2 million tonnes of CO2 saved – BlaBlaCar publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report

2 million tonnes of CO2 saved – BlaBlaCar publishes its 2023 Sustainability Report

BlaBlaCar announces the publication of its second Sustainability Report for 2023. This audited report details the platform’s main social and environmental contributions.

Since its creation, BlaBlaCar has been using technology to promote a more sustainable and accessible mobility.

In this new report, produced with Randea and the expertise of Carbone 4 and Ekodev, BlaBlaCar further refines the robustness of its methodologies for monitoring its carbon footprint and CO2 savings. This is part of an ongoing process of monitoring and transparent communication of its environmental and social performance, and its impact on its stakeholders.

Download the report

Key figures for 2023

  • 27 million unique active members
  • 2 million tonnes of CO2 avoided
  • 513 million euros saved by carpool drivers
  • 104 million human encounters
  • 2.4 million carpool meeting points
“I value our Sustainability Report, as it accurately describes what brings together and inspires our teams and all our stakeholders on a daily basis. It is also a tool for transparency and a driving force for continuous improvement. Finally, it highlights the collective commitment that goes into the day-to-day development of our global mobility network, based on trust and a better use of resources, true to our motto #ZeroEmptySeats”
- Nicolas Brusson, Co-Founder & CEO of BlaBlaCar

2 million tonnes of CO2 avoided with BlaBlaCar’s matching technology

BlaBlaCar is a digital platform providing access to shared mobility that optimises the use of vehicles. As the application is multimodal, it promotes sustainable modes of mobility by offering long-distance collective bus transport to carpoolers who are used to travelling by car, or reciprocally by encouraging bus passengers to carpool for journeys they plan to make using their own car.

Taking a full lifecycle approach and including side effects, the CO2 emissions avoided thanks to BlaBlaCar’s contribution are estimated at 2 million tonnes in 2023.

€513 million saved by carpool drivers

BlaBlaCar enables drivers and passengers to share the cost of carpooling trips (gas, insurance, tolls, etc.), and caps the price to ensure drivers do not make a profit. Paired with long-distance buses, carpooling is an affordable solution that allows travelers to make significant savings, especially in times of high inflation.

104 million trusted human connections within the community

By facilitating shared trips, BlaBlaCar has developed over the years a community of travelers who help each other on a daily basis as well as in exceptional situations. Each journey brings people from different backgrounds together, fostering meaningful interactions and cultural exchanges.

Access to mobility: 2.4 million meeting points generated by the BlaBlaCar community

By combining carpooling with long-distance buses on a single platform, BlaBlaCar has developed a highly complementary network that connects big cities and rural areas alike. Its Boost matching technology allows the platform to multiply the number of meeting points, by enabling drivers to find additional passengers on sub-trips along their journey

A flexible, diverse and inclusive workplace

The company is dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the diverse communities it serves. The report details BlaBlaCar’s approach to learning, its flexible remote policy and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion strategy including recruitment practices, mentorship opportunities and other initiatives to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Download the report

For a detailed overview of BlaBlaCar’s CSR contributions, please refer to the full Declaration of Extra Financial Report above.

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