European Commission supports the sharing economy

European Commission supports the sharing economy

New guidelines are great news for BlaBlaCar and other collaborative platforms like us.

Paris – 2 Jun 2016

The sharing economy in Europe has created jobs and economic growth opportunities despite the regulatory challenges it presents. That’s according to a new report from the European Commission called “A European Agenda for the Collaborative Economy.”

The long-anticipated guidelines, which seeks to clarify EU regulations as it applies to the sharing economy, are good news for several reasons:

  • It is very supportive of the sharing economy;
  • It encourages member states to apply existing legislation to collaborative economy platforms (instead of creating new rules);
  • It advises member states to work at EU level to avoid regulatory fragmentation, which hampers the development of collaborative economy platforms; and
  • It differentiates between cost-sharing models and remuneration-based models, clarifying that cost-sharing platforms users are not professionals making a profit.

violeta bulc european commissionIn an interview with Le Temps, EU Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc noted that tough rules on sharing economy companies could harm the overall economic health of Europe.

“The sharing economy — which is not based on profit-making (BlaBlaCar, etc.) — should be treated differently, and not necessarily be subject to rules as rigid as profit-based sharing economy,” she told the Swiss newspaper.

The commission’s clear stance on the sharing economy is a welcomed move for Europe, home to many thriving collaborative economy platforms.  

EU commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska — who oversees the internal market, industry, entrepreneurship, and small and medium enterprises — emphasized the potential in the sharing economy.

“The collaborative economy is an opportunity for consumers, entrepreneurs and businesses — provided we get it right,” she said.

With these latest developments, BlaBlaCar welcomes the encouraging support of the European Commission for the sharing economy!

Published: June 2, 2016

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