We are 100 million on BlaBlaCar!

We are 100 million on BlaBlaCar!

Over the past 15 years, 100 million people have joined the BlaBlaCar community. Millions of us sharing the road, collectively building a smarter, friendlier and greener travel network for all.

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As we celebrate our 15th birthday and the incredible milestone of 100 million members, we would like to pay tribute to those who make travel more friendly: you!

We asked you to share your best BlaBlaCar memories. From your first ride with a nice conversation, to a long one where you made a group of friends… You all have great stories to tell!

Thousands of you have shared your best memories with us. We’ve selected some of them to feature on our story map. Browse the map to discover the story of one of our 100 million members.

100 000 000. A number with 8 zeros!

« Fifteen years ago, we set out on a mission to convince the world of a simple, but crazy idea: that people would hop in a car with someone they’ve never met. That carpooling was the mobility of the future, and if scaled massively, it would bring social cohesion, reduce emissions, and allow more people to travel for less. »
— Frédéric Mazzella, Nicolas Brusson, Francis Nappez

Read the founder letter

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